
株式会社LOWWS CTOのスラヴィ・パンタレーブ(Slavi Pantaleev)にインタビューし、 現在携わっているプロジェクトの中で興味深い技術や最新の知見について聞いていくコーナーです。


This is an interview with Slavi Pantaleev, CTO of LOWWS Inc., where we explore interesting technologies and the latest insights from his current projects.

In this session, we discussed Kubernetes, a system that enables flexible server infrastructure management.

The English article follows the Japanese article.












ある企業はKubernetesのセルフホスト環境を求めていましたが、多くの企業はAWS、Google Cloud、DigitalOceanのようなマネージドKubernetes環境を利用しています。これらのサービスでは、数回クリックするだけでKubernetesクラスタを構築できます。
















How to manage systems with Kubernetes

Slavi: There are more points that we can talk about.

Naoto: For example?

Slavi: Updates and rollbacks. When you’re deploying applications, sometimes you want to restore the previous version. That’s another problem it solves.

Another one is lightweight resource usage. It’s the first advantage listed, comparing it to traditional virtual machines. Previously, if you wanted to run different applications, you’d have a virtual machine for each one. You could get pre-packaged virtual machines from a provider and run them. For example, a MySQL prepared server or a virtual machine package for a custom application.

Virtual machines are large, requiring you to ship the whole disk. They are independent but have a lot of overhead. With Kubernetes and containers, you operate on a smaller scale, working with zip packages rather than entire machines.

Compared to this model, running containers has many benefits. Security is a concern—running multiple applications on the same server can lead to interference. Containers share the same Linux kernel. If one container runs an insecure version of software and it escalates to the kernel, it can breach security and affect all other containers on the same machine.

This is a security problem compared to virtual machines, which provide much better isolation. A virtual machine keeps your WordPress separate from your MySQL database and other services. Virtual machines offer better security but come with more overhead. Containers are lightweight, allowing thousands to run on the same machine without issue.

There are hybrid approaches where each container runs in a very small virtual machine for isolation. This isn’t commonly done because it’s expensive, but for certain security-sensitive applications, it’s necessary.

Naoto: Do you think we can sell this technology to other clients besides a certain company?

Slavi: I guess so. The company is also considering selling it to many customers.

After gaining experience with Kubernetes, we can host more people on Kubernetes. A certain company wanted to self-host Kubernetes. Many people use hosted Kubernetes environments managed by AWS, Google Cloud, or DigitalOcean. These allow you to set up a cluster with a few clicks.

However, the company and their customer wanted their own self-hosted Kubernetes cluster on their infrastructure, likely due to privacy concerns or because they are a cloud provider themselves. Setting up Kubernetes from scratch is more complicated, requiring machines to communicate securely.

If the cluster is properly built, containers move around seamlessly, but you need to invest time in management. A simple Kubernetes deployment won’t be highly available. To achieve that, duplication and proper configuration are necessary.

First, we focus on creating the Kubernetes cluster. Then, we provide a service for organizing applications on top of Kubernetes. Kubernetes is highly extensible. The communication layer between servers is a plugin, meaning different encryption or communication methods can be used.

By default, some installations don’t encrypt communication between servers. Switching to a different plugin can enable encryption. There are many add-ons and configurations, making it a full-time job to manage Kubernetes clusters.

Beyond setup, organizing applications is crucial. Developers don’t get full access to the cluster but only specific projects. A system must be in place for this.

Another key aspect is preventing direct server installations. Manually installing software, even through a UI, is inefficient in larger companies. It’s hard to track who deployed what. That’s why GitOps exists—operations using Git.

Naoto: What does GitOps do?

Slavi: In GitOps, deployments are described in configuration files stored in a Git repository. For example, a text file might specify deploying WordPress to a project namespace with its version and configurations. Instead of deploying manually, the Kubernetes cluster reads these files and applies changes.

If another developer changes the WordPress version tomorrow, that change is recorded in Git history, showing who modified what. This approach ensures accountability and tracking.

Naoto: Just one file?

Slavi: No, many files, usually in YAML format. Other options exist, like QLang.

YAML is simple, but when deploying multiple applications, variables are needed—like a database hostname used in multiple places. YAML alone isn’t enough. More structured languages like HCL help manage these configurations.

Another issue with YAML is its openness. A small typo can create an invalid file without clear errors, causing Kubernetes to reject it. A stricter configuration language prevents such mistakes.

That’s why I recently switched our GitOps repository from plain YAML to HCL. There are many technologies involved, and we can discuss them in detail.

Naoto: Sounds new.

Slavi: Kubernetes is a vast area, and many enterprises focus on it. It tends to suit larger companies because, in the end, it’s costly.

この記事はインタビューをもとにAIを使用して作成されています。 This article was created using AI based on interviews.